

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Hope for the Future

I have always hated the dark projections of our future, the generated and re-generated lists of the top ten terrible things that our future has in store.  

It is easy to look at the dark side of things. Ironically the toughest part is to look for the positive. 

So here is my Top Great things to expect in the future list.... Remember. You heard it from this futurist first.

1. We'll eliminate the use of oil in under 50 years via cheap, low-impact methods. Fuel cells will lead the charge, but will not be the ultimate answer.
2. We'll find that the computer models for global warming are more aggressive than actuality, but the end of oil will render the argument moot.
3. We'll send people to Mars and beyond. Man will live on more than one world thereby drastically improving humanities chances of survival.
4. We'll finally learn that the world has '7.9 billion and growing' cultures and we will celebrate each and every one of them.
5. We will realize that the only issues of true import are related to health and happiness.
6. We'll develop cheap portable power generators that can be carted to remote populations and run without much attention. 

7. Electricity will be replaced with something new, cool, and wonderful within 50 years.
8. We'll become less connected to technology rather that more. We'll rediscover the joy of sensing the world through our eyes, ears, and touch.
9. We'll find out that someone else is out there -- and that they aren't interested in enslaving or eating us.
10. Pandemics will be no longer be possible.

Now. Don't wait for it. Go make it happen!

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